What Is Car Key Programming & How Does It Work?

There was a time when starting your car’s engine was simple. You got in, turned the key, the engine roared into life and off you went. But that is not always the case anymore as the roads become filled with more and more new cars.

Sadly, with more new cars appearing every day and with the price of vehicles increasing, the threat of theft has also increased. This means that new cars have been fitted with better security measures to stop this from happening. Because let’s face it, though it might have been simpler to start your car back in the day, it was also much easier for someone to steal it!

So nowadays manufacturers are aware of the need for additional security measures. 

In fact, circa 1996 a new specialised microchip was introduced and this has since become hugely popular with most car manufacturers. This is an electronic fail-safe that means the vehicle won’t start if the microchip is not detected.

This is a great way to stop car thieves but is not so great if you lose or damage your keys! Because of this new technology, it is no longer as simple as contacting a locksmith to get you back in your vehicle. Even if they did get you back in, without the microchip you couldn't start the car.

To combat this, you’ll need to have new keys made and reprogrammed or have your key fob repaired if it’s broken. If you’ve never lost your keys before or it’s your first time with an electric key fob, you might not be familiar with the key programming process.

In this guide, we’re going to answer the following five questions so you're better equipped to understand your keys should you ever lose them:

•       What is car key programming?

•       Can you reprogram your car key yourself?

•       So who programs your keys for you?

•       How long does it take?

•       How does car key programming work?

Ready? Then, let’s get started.

What is car key programming?

If you lose your keys, you can always order a replacement from the manufacturer but this could take some time - time you may not have. This is where key programming comes in. Instead of waiting for a new one to arrive, you can get instant results with a reprogrammed key.

Essentially, this is when a preset blank chip is reprogrammed and put into a new car key for you so that it matches the current settings of your vehicle. This will allow you to access and start your car once more.

There are several different types of keys that may need reprogramming and these include:

•       Remote key fobs

•       Integrated transponder chips

•       Flip keys with key cards

Can you reprogram your car key yourself?

As a general rule, you cannot reprogram your car key yourself. There are very few models that allow for this (although the internet might tell you otherwise) but this can vary depending on the country and the manufacturer.

While this might seem like a pain, it also stops others from being able to reprogram a key and steal your car too. So it is for the best.

As such, it’s a good idea never to risk reprogramming a key yourself and to have it done professionally instead. More on this in the next section.

So who programs your keys for you?

In order to get a new key, you’ll need to seek the services of a specialist locksmith. Not just any old locksmith will do, they need to offer car key programming services. We are specialist auto locksmiths and we offer services such as repairing key fobs, reprogramming keys and providing spare transponder keys.

Auto locksmiths have the equipment necessary to reprogram chips to perfectly match the settings of your car. We also have access to manufacturer's and dealership pin codes so they can make sure it meets the preset specifications set by the manufacturer.

Programming keys can be complex which is why it is best to seek out professional services rather than do it yourself. We have the technology available to come and repair/replace car keys remotely or on the roadside, so we can help you wherever you get stuck.

How long does it take?

When it comes to replacing lost keys or fixing broken ones, the time it takes can vary. The good news is, some auto locksmiths have the skills and tools to get this done in a matter of minutes. They may need to be next to the vehicle to allow it to read wireless information from the new key, but again, it shouldn't take long once they're there.

That said, in some cases, it may take a little longer. Depending on the car you have it may not allow your key to be cloned and therefore you’ll need a diagnostic machine to complete the process. This might mean going to their workshop which can take longer.

What’s more, some vehicles require a login code before the key can be reprogrammed and tracking this down can be time-consuming.

But as a general rule, if you choose a trusted auto locksmith with the right tools, they can have the new or fixed key ready in a matter of minutes.

How does car key programming work?

Finally, we’re going to take a brief look at how car key programming actually works so you can understand what the locksmith is up to while they're working away. Though some cars may differ, for the most part, this process can be broken down into three steps:  

•       Step one: Assess the car to determine the make, model and year of the vehicle. This will help them to identify the right blank key fob and tools they’ll need for the vehicle in question.

•       Step two: Program the fob or transponder chip (or clone the key if this is possible) using specialist equipment.

•       Step three: Test the key to make sure everything works. In most cases, everything is fine the first time around but if the key is still not working properly additional programming may need to be carried out until it is.